Alzheimer's Disease Research: Letter From US Senator Debbie Stabenow

Dear Nanya,
Thank you for contacting me about your support for Alzheimer's disease research. I share your support for increased federal resources to fight this devastating disease.
As a member of the Alzheimer's Task Force, I am leading the fight in the U.S. Senate to increase Alzheimer's research and help find a cure for this devastating disease.Tragically, more than 83,000 people in our country die every year from Alzheimer's disease. As many as half of the people living with Alzheimer's have never received a formal diagnosis and are not receiving the care they need. That is why I introduced my HOPE for Alzheimer's Act (S.709), which would make sure that we are focusing on earlier diagnosis so individuals and families are better prepared to manage their care. It would also give families access to critical medical information and available care and support options.
We also need to make sure that we as a country are making investments to prevent and treat diseases like Alzheimer's. I have repeatedly voted in support of the National Institutes of Health and increased medical research for Alzheimer's disease. I also strongly support President Obama's recently announced brain mapping initiative to bring together our nation's leading brain researchers to study underlying causes of Alzheimer's and other brain diseases. You can count on my continued support for research into a cure for Alzheimer's disease.
Thank you for sharing your views with me. Please do not hesitate to do so again, whenever I can be of assistance to you.

Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator